Furka Cogwheel Steam Railway Ltd.
Furka Cogwheel Steam Railway Ltd.

There are several organisations behind the operation of the Furka Cogwheel Steam Railway (DFB). Although their aim is the same, their tasks are different. DFB Ltd. is the holder of the federal concession. It is responsible for the strategy, construction, maintenance, marketing and operation of the railway. As a private railway company, DFB Ltd. provides the service published in the timetable without regular contributions from the public sector.

Around 520 volunteers work for DFB Ltd. on a daily or weekly basis in their free time. They ensure the operation and maintenance of the 18 kilometres of track, the steam and diesel locomotives and the passenger and material transport wagons. Some people are permanently employed, sometimes on a seasonal basis.

The staff are trained and tested according to their function. Engine drivers, stokers, train dispatchers, train managers and safety attendants take the relevant examinations organised by the Federal Office of Transport. DFB Ltd. works closely with the local and regional authorities and the tourist organisations of the Urseren Valley and Goms.

DFB Ltd. is managed by an Executive Board, which meets regularly and makes decisions. Each member of the Executive Board is responsible for a specific area of the company. The Executive Board is supervised by the Board of Directors.

